
Bus Routes for Affton School District Released

Find your bus stop on our bus schedule for Mesnier Primary, Gotsch Intermediate, Rogers Middle and Affton High schools for the 2012-13 school year.

Riding the bus to school this year? Check out the PDF above to see the bus routes in your neighborhood to , , and .

And don't forget these rules for the bus:

  1. Arrive at your bus stop five (5) minutes before scheduled arrival.  Buses cannot wait for riders.
  2. Approach bus stops carefully.  Observe all traffic rules.
  3. While waiting for the bus, be considerate of nearby homeowners' property.
  4. Always wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before getting on or off the bus.  
  5. Follow the directions of the driver at all times.
  6. Don't distract the driver in any way.
  7. Always remain seated while the bus is in motion.
  8. Never put arms or heads outside the bus windows.
  9. Use the emergency door only in an emergency.  
  10. Smoking will not be allowed on the bus at any time.
  11. Throw away your trash before boarding the bus, or use the container provided on the bus.
  12. Pets or animals are not allowed on the bus.
  13. Treat the bus equipment with respect.
  14. Students who need to cross the road after leaving a school bus must cross at least 10 feet in front of the bus and cannot cross more than 2 lanes of traffic.
  15. Eating and/or drinking on the bus is not allowed.

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